
The intentions of H&H is to bring people closer to the music. I hope to bring you all closer to bands that I feel deserve to have more fans. These artists have done all the hard work, made amazing music, and now are close to breaking out. The music range covered here may go from indie rap, indie rock, and all the way to hardcore rock. I will do my best to review, announce, and talk with y’all about new/upcoming music, as well as possible discussions on older music that you or I may feel deserve more praise than it has gotten. Along with horseshoes and hand grenades, in music, if your close, your doing something right.

Feel free to comment on anything and let me know what I need to change to make H&H better for you. Also please feel free to express your opinion on a post or a certain subject pertaining to music, I’d love to talk about it. Lastly, if you have any artists you feel deserve more recognition than they do, just send me a message and I’ll take a look, and more times than not I will add them to the website.

H&H is a free service to anyone who has interest in its’ content. Please, if any of you have the urge to help us out, please please do not hesitate. You can donate to Headphones and Hand Grenades, by clicking the button below and then follow the directions. To host this site costs us money, but it’s worth it. There is no pressure for anyone to contribute. I appreciate everyone for everyone’s support! Hopefully the views keep on coming!

Thanks to all,


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